
EDU-Q UP ! EdTech – Use of education technology to improve quality and continuity of teaching and learning

Following the sixth call for proposals of the Wehubit program, implemented by Enabel, the Belgian development agency, 5 EdTech projects (all with a duration of 18 months) have been selected: Edukans wants to use the EDU Q-card online tool that will allow Ugandan schools to (self-)evaluate their performance.

Schools management and teaching staff lack insight into crucial areas of improvement to be able to monitor and strengthen educational performance. In addition, school inspectors have limited time and resources to visit schools and are lacking practical analytical tools to identify the right priority areas of improvement and provide guidance to the schools. Finally, communities and care givers have insufficient voice in school matters and quality issues concerning the education of their children.


The EDU Q-card is an online tool that enables schools to (self)assess their performance in a modelled way. The innovation is based on the Edukans STAR-school model and educational quality improvement approach, that comprises five domains of education quality improvement, with each 8 key indicators, totaling 40 indicators.

The EDU Q-card ensures that schools are assessed in a holistic way (involving teachers, management, parents and communities) and generates School Improvement Plans in which specific actions can be developed towards different actors. Each user can manage its own dashboard and get access to real time, aggregated data on key performance and basic statistics to support decision making and define priority areas of improvement. District authorities and the Ministry of Education and Sports also have an overview on indicators to ensure alignment with local education policies and priorities.


The Wehubit Programme was launched in 2018. It looks for and supports actors that aim to deploy and scale-up existing digital solutions. The programme primarily supports tested solutions that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. The grants are awarded to public organisations or civil society organisations that support digital social innovation projects. Currently, the Wehubit programme supports 27 very varied projects (including the 5 new ones) in twelve of the partner countries of Enabel. Calls for proposals are regularly launched on the Wehubit website ( Since 2021, the programme has a new component: the Knowledge Exchange Network and the e-Library. They were created with a view to facilitating the exchange of good practices, lessons learned and knowledge deliverables.


The Wehubit program aims to stimulate digital social innovation and is primarily targeted at public sector and non-profit organizations. In our sixth call for proposals, we have a diverse panel of partners:

– Edukans Foundation

– Edukans Education Services (EES)


Through the use of the digital social innovation, the project aims at enabling 180 schools with a total of 1,200 primary school teachers and 400 head teachers and deputies to implement School Improvement Plans and improve learning outcomes for 80,000 learners. Two Core Primary Teacher Colleges and 18 inspectors from five District Education Offices will be capacitated for effective school (self) assessment using EDU Q-card digital tool for improved teaching performance.