
Appui à la digitalisation des MPMEs dans cinq région du Sine Saloum

Initiated with the support of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OEACP) and funding from the European Union, the DIRECCT program – Digital Response Connecting Citizens – is jointly implemented by the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel) and the French Development Agency (AFD). Its aim is to support connectivity and the development of digital solutions in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries in the health, education and entrepreneurship sectors, in order to improve their resilience in the face of current and future shocks.

In Senegal, the implementation of the ENTREPRENEURIAL intervention of the DIRECCT program run by Enabel, aims to promote wealth and job creation through the development of small and medium-scale entrepreneurship and the digital transformation of micro-enterprises (MSMEs) operating in the field of agriculture and the green economy in the Senegalese groundnut basin. The component in question supports Enabel’s portfolio of private sector development and engagement projects in Senegal, by selecting and supporting the digitalization of MSMEs already targeted and supported by Pillar 1 of the Belgian bilateral cooperation portfolio and the PARERBA project.



The global health crisis has had a significant impact on the African economy, affecting many sectors and causing major cash flow problems for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), the backbone of local economies.

Indeed, MSMEs represent some 90% of the entrepreneurial fabric and play a crucial role in formal job creation, accounting for almost 60% of formal employment in Africa.

In addition, the crisis highlighted the lack of adoption of digital tools by economic players, contributing to a sharp slowdown in economic activity in the ACP (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific) zone and the impoverishment of populations. MSMEs found themselves struggling to maintain their businesses and incomes, their employees often unable to work due to confinement and restrictions, while burdens continued to mount.

In this context, it has become essential to promote the adoption of digital tools adapted to their specific needs. Aware of the importance of digital technologies, the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OEACP) and the European Union have set up an ambitious program to support entrepreneurs in the appropriation of digital tools.

By strengthening the digital transformation of MSMEs, the program aims to ensure business continuity in a slow and uncertain economic environment, and facilitate the economic rebound of MSMEs, which are key players in local economic dynamics.

In Senegal, this specific intervention aims to strengthen the growth capacity and resilience of MSMEs operating in agriculture and the green economy, by providing them with digitalization skills and practical tools to complement the actions of the bilateral Senegal-Belgium portfolio, which aims to support Senegal’s economic, social and environmental development and stability in the Sine Saloum region.


The activities implemented under the project with a view to stimulating economic growth and improving the resilience of MSMEs to economic and health crises, as well as fostering sustainable development in the target regions are :

  •  Sharing and framing digital opportunities for MSMEs active in the agriculture and green economy sectors

  Training of 175 MSME staff in 8 departments: Kaffrine, Kaolack, Nioro, Koungheul, Foundiougne, Sadio, Fatick, Diourbel and Notto Diobass on the importance of digital transformation and the basic skills needed to integrate digital tools into the entrepreneurial strategy of microenterprises.

  •  Diagnosis of training needs and digital maturity of MSMEs

Identification of training needs in digital skills with a view to the digital transformation of MSMEs, assessment of the degree of maturity and digital appetite of MSME managers and staff, including a gender analysis.
The diagnosis is carried out using the Human-Centered Design approach, which emphasizes a holistic approach that takes into account the needs, behaviors, experiences and influences of the ecosystem of micro-businesses involved in the project.

  •   Digital skills training for managers or staff for the growth and resilience of MSMEs

Development of training content in French and local languages based on needs identified during the diagnostic phase. Delivery of training courses in the 5 target regions, via the “DigiBox”, an innovative “phygital” device combining the best practices of active pedagogy, in particular the “inverted classroom” and “mobile learning” tools to ensure the transmission of knowledge and know-how. The proposed training and support methodology is made up of different types of sessions that will enable participants to benefit from a rich learning approach (both theoretical
and practical). Individual and group coaching activities and sessions will also be set up for participants to ensure long-term adoption of the training content. The beneficiaries of this training are the managers and staff of 200 selected agricultural and green economy MSMEs.

  •  Provision and support for the sustainable adoption of digital solutions for the resilience and growth of MSMEs

Identification of the need for digital solutions capable of meeting the identified challenges of MSMEs. Mapping of existing digital solutions on the national and international market, and selection of a few sufficiently mature and effective solutions that meet the needs of 10% of the micro-businesses supported (20) in the training phase. Acquisition of the
selected solutions and support 20 MSMEs in integrating and using the selected digital solutions and finding a business model for their sustainable adoption.

  • Digital marketing training for women’s organizations involved in the processing and marketing of agri-food products

Skills-building for 30 women belonging to organizations supported by Pillar 1 (Agropole project) to enable them to better present their product (visual identity and branding), manage an online community (communication and management of social networks) and find new sales niches (e-commerce and online sales).

  • Digital formalization of business management with Sage 100 software

Initial face-to-face training for 40 participants (22 women) from MSMEs and organizations in the groundnut basin in Sage 100 commercial management and accounting software (sales, inventory and invoicing management. Commercial data analysis and report generation) in the Kaolack, Kaffrine and Thiès regions.

  •  Design of a practical guide to the digital transformation of MSMEs in the green economy

 Drafting of a practical guide for donors, partners, NGOs and public authorities wishing to invest in the digital transformation of MSMEs in the green economy. This guide will document and capitalize on the methodology, approach and all activities carried out on “diagnosis, training and adoption of digital solutions by MSMEs”.


  • Ministry of Communication, Telecommunications and Digital Media
  • Governance of the Diourbel, Fatick, Kaffrine, Kaolack and Tiès regions
  • Cabinet Safaari Group
  • NGOs : Agrisud, Nitidae, Sos faim, Eclosio, World vision


  • Concree
  • Yessal Agrihub
  • Deloitte Sénégal
  • Suite


Impact: Contribute to improving the resilience of partner countries to crises by developing
digital development

General objective: Strengthen the resilience and growth capacity of MSMEs in sustainable agriculture and the green economy through training and the integration of existing digital solutions.

Specific objective: MSMEs are supported in their digital transition and ensure business continuity in the event of a crisis

Expected results :

  • Digital skills of managers and employees of MSMEs are improved
  • Digital solutions for SMEs are strengthened
  •  A network for knowledge exchange in the field of MSME development in a digital economy is set up in ACP countries.


Enabel is the Belgian Development Agency. It implements and coordinates Belgian international development policy.
The Agency also implements actions on behalf of other national and international organizations.
It carries out all public service missions that fall within the framework of the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, in
Belgium and abroad, offering the most appropriate expertise.
Since 2018, Enabel has considerably developed its expertise in digital for development in partner countries and carried out more innovative digital interventions.